I recently had the pleasure of designing wedding napkin rings for a couple in the UK for their wedding in October. They are a romantic couple indeed, choosing the color pink as the wedding theme and opting to incorporate their initials in the design. The sweet white and pink hearts and the little hot pink beads complemented each other well and together they added spice and romance to an otherwise traditional wedding table. Pink is after all, synonymous with love and romance!
It took me about a week to complete the order, from the delicate process of twisting each wire to carefully packing them individually. It is not a difficult design to make but it sure took a lot of time as some of the processes can be tedious and intricate. But overall, I had a lot of fun designing, purchasing the materials needed, and making those hearts. And I loved it even more when the bride-to-be told me how impressed she was by them and how stunning they looked when she received the package. Another satisfied customer!
So here's a little poem for you. May your joys be as bright as the morning, your years of happiness as numerous as the stars in the heavens, your troubles but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.
Of a lifetime full of love and fun.
It just begins as you take your vows,
When the two of you are joined as one;
To warm you both from day to day,
In your marriage’s satisfying glow.
Hope you liked my pink hearts as well. Until the next reading :).