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Charming Beadz!

Welcome to my blog! This blog is dedicated to my latest hobby, ie making and designing napkin rings and wine glass charms. It should have been called Charming Beads (with an s instead of z) but that one's been taken. So now I end up using the z instead which makes me look like some young punk, which I can assure you I'm not. By the way, WAZZUP PPL!! I suppose I could have just named it Charms and Beads but how much fun would that be? Anyway, some background.. I am a full time mom living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I've not been working for 4 years now and even though the idea of not having to wake up early and go to work everyday may sound like a dream in the beginning, after 2 years or so.. I did start to wonder if I had made a mistake leaving my job. But wait who am I kidding? I hated my job!! So leaving my job was the best thing that I've ever done, other than having a baby that is. He's 3.5 years old by the way, and he's a pure joy :)

So back to my blog. Occasionally I throw dinner parties, sometimes even formal, fine dining ones, so one time, while preparing for the party, I decided to make my own napkin rings just so I could have something that matches the red glasses I was going to use for that occasion. I happened to be in Bangkok and stumbled upon a huge craft store that sold all sorts of beads. I bought some, came home and made a simple design but yet when used and displayed on the plates, brought absolute charm to my dining table. So it all started from there. I have now created over a dozen designs, some simple, some not so, some made of plastic, others made of crystals... If you enjoy throwing dinner parties like I do (especially themed ones), you might like the idea of having these little fancy rings to beautify your dinner table and impress your guests ;), because as my old friend once said, "because dinner is more than just a meal, it's an experience", oh so true :)

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