Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kara ~ Dragonfly Napkin Ring

Dragonfly Napkin Rings
This dragonfly is made of acrylic. I use clear plastic beads for the ring. A must for all dragonfly lovers! They make quite charming napkin rings!

Dragonfly Napkin Rings
Materials used: Acrylic beads  

Product name: Kara
Price: USD 4.00 each


Juliet ~ Butterfly Napkin Ring

Butterfly Napkin Rings

I love these butterflies! They are very solid and heavy. Very elegant napkin rings don't you think so, especially with the tiny gold bead trimmings.

Butterfly Napkin Rings
beaded butterfly image

           These are a must for all butterfly lovers. Only a limited number is available. Don't miss out on these rings!

Butterfly Napkin Ring

Materials used: Acrylic beads.
Product name: Juliet
Price: USD 6.00 each


Silver Beads

Teardrop with Silver Beads (PP)

Price: RM 16/ set of 6

Silver Beads

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Craft Shows

How To Sell More Stuff At Craft Shows

1. Make Eye Contact With Your Customers

This seems like such a simple thing, but I can't tell you the number of times I've gone to a craft show and been more or less ignored by the people sitting behind the tables. Sometimes they are so busy talking to their friends, they don't even hear when I ask a question.

2. Let Your Customers Make Eye Contact With Your Products

Arrange your displays so that your customer does not have to look down to get an idea of what you are selling. Avoid piling everything in your inventory onto the table. Put out a few things, then replace the empty space when something sells.

3. Talk to the People!

That's right, just talk to them. Ask where they are from, and if they have a bag already in their hands, ask them what they bought. Be excited with them about their purchase, even if it is horrible. People prefer to buy from those who are their friends, or at the least, friendly.

4. If They Touch It, It's Almost Sold, You Just Have to Close the Deal

It's all about psychology here. Touching a product creates a bond between the customer and the product. Don't miss this clear sign of interest. But don't jump too hard, either. Make a non-threatening remark if you see a customer touch one of your things.

For example -- "That's one of my daughter's favorites, she wanted me to leave it out of the show boxes.", this lets the customer know you are really proud of the thing, and also puts a tiny seed in their mind that you like it so much, you really don't want to sell it, which, of course, makes them want to acquire it!

Another method is -- "Do you like that one? I had such a hard time with that, I couldn't decide if I got the size/color/combination right on it, but you know, the more I look at it, the more I am glad I made it that way."

5. Don't Offer a Discount Unless You Are Asked!

A customer may be hemming and hawing around a bit, waiting for you to make an offer, or they may just keep turning over the price tag and thinking. If you can afford to offer a discount, now is the time to say - "I can tell you really like that one, would you like to make me an offer?"

If they do, counter offer a higher price. Wait. If they make another offer, and it sounds good to you, counter offer up a bit from that one, and you'll probably make the sale.

You could also say - "Well, I could let you have two of them for X price, maybe... and sound unsure."

6. Don't Pack Up and Leave Early!

Every show I've ever visited has had a number of people who, disgruntled by low sales or traffic, decide to pack it all in and leave before the show is over.

This is a very big mistake. For several reasons.

First - the show organizer will probably never invite you back. You can't be sure that the low traffic was not a fluke - other shows by this organizer may be hugely profitable.

Second, there are many, many people, myself included, who have lots of things to do on the weekends, and often hit shows the last hour they will be open.

Late shoppers often come because they've been elsewhere that day and couldn't find anything they wanted to spend their money on.... whatever booths are open when they arrive are very likely to get a nice chunk of that discretionary income. Those who are gone, won't.

Third - you gave your word. If you said you would be there, you need to stand by your agreement. This is a basic principle of business. Always stand by your word. It will reward you many times over in the end.

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