Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Gift

 Perfect Little Christmas Gifts

Christmas is only a few days away and it has certainly been a hectic several weeks for all those who celebrate it. Everyone has been busy with Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, tree decorating, mailing that pile of Christmas cards, baking, stockings stuffing, and everything else that people do during this busy time of the year. As for me, I've been having lots of fun making and shipping out Christmas charms and napkin rings for all the orders that I've received since October. The best part about it is that you can find so many pretty things out there during this time of the year. For instance I was out shopping a couple of weeks ago and found these cute little tin boxes at a bazaar. I simply couldn't pass up on the opportunity of using them as gift boxes. Together with the napkin rings and charms, they make such perfect little gifts for this Christmas!! Merry Christmas everyone, may it be a joyous one for all of us!


  1. Hey so cute gifts... I Love them... I also bought many gifts like this for my younger brothers n sisters. Merry X-Mas.

  2. Christmas is a time of giving. For, whatever gift I will received during Christmas, I will be thankful of it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Feels so nice to make something with our own hands to gift to our loved ones.Thanks for your ideas.

  4. This is such a nice Christmas gift idea. I love the packaging too, it's very cute.

  5. The packaging is extra cute ;) what a perfect gift.

  6. hmm these gifts are not just good. they are fantastic

  7. I was watching CNN the other day. It was a special report about Tsunami-hit areas of Japan. Folks over there would have enjoyed their Christmas. It surely would have been joyous for all of them! While I was watching the debris, my heart flew to Japan to feel their pains and sufferings. Not to mention...perhaps. We all know what happened to life when furious tides hit coastal areas.
    I really appreciate the social community. Volunteers are doing great. Search engines like Google and Yahoo also raised the voice of Japan. Japan need us. Let's help life for the sake of humanity.
    While surfing through the web, I came across vambracelets site. They guys seem spirit-filled. They are helping Japan in a unique and creative way. As they deal in bracelets, they have specially designed a bracelet to help out Japan. We all can make their next Christmas full of smiles once again. All we need to do is to have Help Japan Bracelets.
    Hope you would also come up with other unique ideas as you understand the importance of 'Christmas Gifts.

  8. very nice artiacl and really liked this web site
    thanks for tell us such kind of information

  9. I like your post on this blog as "Perfect Little Christmas Gifts"

  10. I love the gift ideas. They are just exquisite and at the same time none too expensive. I love the tin box, it is a great find!

  11. Hi! Thanks for giving e a great idea that cute little tin boxes can be the container for my gifts. It looks classy and unique. Merry Christmas to you and more power to charmingbeadz.blogspot.com
